
Tour: London 2018, St. Petersburg 2018, Berlin 2020.


There is a huge gap between the people that can express their demands effectively and to be represented properly, and the ones that have no ways be heard or to be represented. Whether an individual or a group has 话语权,depends on the learning or strength one has.

It is an invisible right, and the power to be heard, to demand. In the global context, it is the power to define/rewrite/erase history, to guide public opinion internationally, to lead aesthetics.

In art, who decides what’s worth looking at? Who decided what’s in the museum and in art market? After 7 years of education, learning classic and modern art in a Eurocentric way, I’m trained to look at art through western eyes. Reflecting on my own aesthetic and the visual languages I built during study, at one point some years ago I felt my cultural identity is fading and then rebuilt, like how my accent changes over time.

My recent works are mostly conducted in small cities and towns in China, in studios full of dusts or mess, with various groups of craftswomen and men, with techniques deeply rooted in our history but are made obsolete by industrial and digital technologies. Is art their last habitat?